Это день и предшествующая ему ночь просто обязаны войти в анналы истории, ибо бастион не вынес давления и безнадежно капитулировал.
Я села читать IHC. С самого начала.
6 глав ночью, 1 по дороге на работу, 7 на работе, 1 по дороге с работы, 2 за ужином, еще 2 после...
Кажется, я потеряна для общества. И это надолго.
Для себя.5
Kame couldn’t look the other boy in the eyes anymore. He could feel his blush darkening furiously and he was thankful that the lights were off by now so that the darkness hid his flushed face a bit.
“I’d like to make it up to you...” he then added, his hands tightening into fists and he absently gripped some of Akanishi’s shirt in the process. “…in any way I can. I-I wanna be…yours.”
Kame lowered his head. “If you’ll have me, that is.”
Jin had otherwise also started to touch him more during the past few months they had shared a cell together. Kame found Jin’s hands to be constantly on him, brushing down his sides, his back or his chest, but never really touching him. This wasn’t about Kame’s pleasure, it was about Jin’s. He was there to provide Jin with pleasure, without expecting anything in return. He would lose his place next to Jin if he couldn’t do that and he would become useless to the taller boy.
In the beginning Jin hadn’t even removed most of his clothes, but now whenever they slept together Jin’s clothes lied in a pile on the floor next to his own.
The worst part was that, on some level, Kame enjoyed sleeping with Jin. He couldn’t deny that every single time he had been with Jin the older boy had pushed him over the edge, but instead of continuing to curse his body for betraying him Kame had begun to think it was only natural to react like that, especially since Jin had been his first.