На Википедии найдите свою дату рождения.

Выберите три события, смерти и рождения, запостите, собсно, себе.


1651 - Battle of Beresteczko between Poles and Ukrainians, the biggest battle in the 17th century, starts.

1919 - The Treaty of Versailles is signed, ending World War I with Germany.

2005 - Canada's lower house paves the way for same-sex marriage to be legalized there, and make it the third country to do so.


1491 - King Henry VIII of England (d. 1547)

1577 - Peter Paul Rubens, Belgian painter (d. 1640)

1712 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Swiss philosopher (d. 1778)


1175 - Andrei Bogolyubsky, Russian prince

1914 - Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria (assassinated) (b. 1863)

1922 - Velimir Khlebnikov, Russian poet (b. 1885)